Juste-A was born and raised in Bronx, Ny for 16 years then moved to Oneonta, NY. Growing up Juste-A thought life was going to be rainbows and unicorns, but then it wasn’t. Now Juste-A has been through a lot and can now see what reality is and is learning who she is and trying to find her voice. Being in jail is not giving Juste-A an opportunity to find herself. She has no one to confide in so she writes.



Jay is 16 years old as he writes this, and he used to live in Syracuse. Now, he lives at Brookwood Secure, whatever that’s suppose to be. Because even though he lived there, it’s not his home. He doesn’t have one. He’s been through some struggles, everyone has at some point, and he expesses how he feels about those struggles by pouring it out onto paper. Take a look at his art, and maybe you’ll feel something too. 



“Time take patiences but patiences takes time.”
For three years I have been confined to a detention center. When I make art I am no longer here. My imagination floats away from reality. This art represents my dreams and nightmares. This art represents me. 



I am 18 years old. I was first placed into the system at the age of 13 and remianed there for about three years. I’ve been to a lot of different juvenile detention facilities. The system has taught me so much but so little at the same time. I enjoy drawing, painting, and reading which got me through most of my many rainy days. I aspire to help those who once were in similiar positions as me. 


Rory Rei was born in a refugee camp in Thailand and came to the US with her family hoping for a better life. However, things weren’t what they seemed. A couple years later she was put into the foster care system. Since then she has aged out and is living on her own with her fiancé and friend.  

Monday Aug 5 2024